
1. Photo Slideshow - Anisa Sanghrajka
        I chose to do a slideshow in order to represent the change from Ernesto Guevara to Che Guevara, from the time of his birth all the way until his death. In this amount of time, the man we know, as “Che” was able to change completely and thus became someone he did not originally intend on becoming.
        The slideshow displays pictures from Ernesto’s childhood, his journey, and the effects of that journey. The image of “Che”, which people recognize today, is very much prevalent in many pop-culture items as well. This image, in addition to political cartoons, shows how people felt towards him during that time as well as how people feel in the present. Ernesto’s transformation into Che is one that can be closely analyzed by looking at the events that took place in his life. After watching the slideshow it is evident that the journey which Ernesto and Alberto took together, had a great impact on Che as a person. This was when he saw the suffering taking place in the world. He realized that nothing was being done to help people in need and he decided to take action. What he had originally intended, and what actually happened differed greatly in the extent of his actions.
        The slideshow’s music is symbolic of the change in mood and purpose during his life, especially from when he travelled with Alberto to when he became the leader he was.

"Google Images." Google. Web. 19 Mar. 2011. <>.

2. Fable - Anisa Sanghrajka
I chose to do a Fable/Children’s Story because I felt that it was important for all different age groups to be able to understand this important event in history. For the story, I decided to follow the story of a man and horse, named Alberto (Alberto) and Ernie (Ernesto) respectively. The two go on an adventure and discover things that they were never aware of before. Their trip changed their outlook on life, and made them change their ways in their own village. This is similar to what happened in The Motorcycle Diaries.
        In The Motorcycle Diaries, Ernesto and Alberto ventured out into essentially unknown territory and observed their surroundings. Their planned trip soon became a journey when the two doctors learned about the needs of the people around them, in particular people in the leprosy colonies. They both decided to take action as a result. This determination and will power to change things around them is what I believe to be the driving force behind Che’s actions.
        The Fable definitely has the same concepts and themes as the book we read in class does. The difference is the language and content such as the characters, however the morals stay the same.

"COLORADO WILDERNESS HORSEBACK VACATIONS AND WILDERNESS PACK TRIPS." Colorado Elk                 Hunting, Colorado Mule Deer Hunting, Colorado Outfitters. 2011. Web. 29 Mar. 2011.                <>.

Guevara, Ernesto. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey. Melbourne: Ocean, 2003. Print.

3. Poem - Anisa Sanghrajka
        I decided to write a concrete poem, which further describes the importance of the motorcycle throughout the book. I think that the motorcycle, the “Mighty One”, is not only the method of transportation but also a significant part of Ernesto and Alberto. I think that the book does a good job of showing that the motorcycle plays a huge role throughout their journey. As a reader, I felt like whatever challenges Ernesto and Alberto were going through, the motorcycle was going through a similar situation although slightly different.
        This poem is written from the point of view of Che and is being written to the motorcycle. This reflective style poem hopefully shows a lot about Ernesto’s appreciation toward to the motorcycle. I think that the benefits and obstacles were a result of a symbiotic relationship between the two men and the motorcycle.

Guevara, Ernesto. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey. Melbourne: Ocean, 2003. Print.

4. Poster - Anisa Sanghrajka
        I decided to do a wanted poster considering the amount of people who had opposing views to the views of Che Guevara. While Che was heading the revolution in Cuba, with Fidel Castro, they took actions that many people may not have agreed with at the time and even after. Che was and will always be a symbol of rebellion amongst people. He went against the norm, by taking action as a normal individual who was just like everyone else.
        In reality, Che was killed by Bolivian troops. These troops were headed by a man named Felix Rodriguez, who convinced the Bolivian troops to find and execute Che. It is said that Che did not cooperate with the troops, and therefore did not share much information on what he had done in recent events. This wanted poster is similar to what the Bolivian troops would have publicized as a result of their want to find Che alive.

"Che Guevara." Web log post. Wikispaces. Creative Commons Attribution Share, 2011. Web. 20 Mar. 2011. <>.

"Western Wanted Sign." Party Decorations - Party Supplies - Free Shipping on Party  Decorations - Web. 29 Mar. 2011.   <>.

5.  Newspaper Article - Kelly Fineberg

        I created a newspaper article to show the goals and beliefs of Che Guevara.  The newspaper is set in present day because I wanted to show the history of Che for the 44th anniversary of his death.  
        It starts out expressing how much he disliked imperialism and how that is what created him the way he was.  Then, I describe how in the beginning, before and in the beginning of his trip, he wanted to just be a researcher.  However, he did always have a humanitarian side.  This is what led him to trying to help all of the natives of Latin America.  I added a quote Che said about revolutions because I think he relates to the description because he had become such an impeccable revolutionary because he did in fact organize and start the revolution.
        On the right side of the article I created both his nickname and his name into one piece.  I did this because those who agree and look up to Ernesto Guevara would call him Che because it plainly means ‘friend’.  Others, who disagreed with his actions and thought would probably just call him Ernesto because they think he’s nothing special.  The quotes I put around this area just describe him as an adventurer.  The others really represent his motivation and commitment because he would basically do anything for change.

"Che Guevara - The Symbol of Rebellious Youth VASILY BUBNOV / Pravda 14jun03." Mindfully Green. 14 June 2003. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. <>.

6.  Postcards - Kelly Fineberg
       These postcards were created to show the relationship between Che and his peers and how they effected him and his decisions.
        The first is to his mother.  This postcard was created during the actual trip throughout Latin America.  Che writes about the Leper colony and his eagerness to aid them.  The message stresses the need he feels inside to help others as a result of experiencing so many different cultures so far on his trip.  It basically leads up to his thoughts of revolution at the end of the card.  It’s signed Ernesto because at this time, he wasn’t really given the honor of being called Che formally yet.
        The next card is written to Fidel Castro.  Che expresses the feelings he was experiencing during the July 26 Movement regime.  At the beginning of the note he says how much he thinks he and Castro make such a great team.  He then side tracks and notes that while in the Sierra Maestra mountains, he felt a great need to help the natives.  Creating schools and health clinics is what he stated he would be doing.  Che finishes off the letter by stating his present goal and his goal afterward of creating revolutionary groups and ending imperialism.
        The last note is to Che from Castro.  Castro starts off by stating how devoted he thinks Che is to the revolution.  Then he mentions a moment when Che got a little to into the Movement and almost executed one of his own.  This must have been an realization for Che because things must have come into perspective more after he realized what he had been doing.  Fidel then describes a time when the two turned against each other because his ideas faded away from Che’s.  At the end of the letter, Castro tells Che to reflect on what he has done in his life and to be proud of his humanitarian accomplishments.

Zimmermann, Matilde. "Che Guevara's Bolivia Campaign." Vassar College Departments of History and Latin American Studies. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.

Anderson, Jon Lee. Grove, 1997. State and Revolution. Columbia. Web. 20 Mar. 2011.         

7.  Cartoon - Kelly Fineberg  
       Che Guevara lead an interesting life; always helping but always running.  He fled from Congo to Bolivia under the fake name Adolfo Mena Gonzalez.  His location was not known by anyone, so this was a perfect identity to hide under the radar.  The Minister of the Armed Forces, Juan Almeida, didn’t even know where he was and lied saying Che was “serving the revolution somewhere in Latin America.”  When instead, he was on his way to Bolivia.
        I created this picture/cartoon to illustrate the difference between Che pre and post Bolivia.  He had spent the majority of his life looking scruffy with long unbrushed hair and a partial beard and mustache.  It was easy to identify him because his look was so unique at the time.  Then, after leaving for Bolivia, he shaved his head and facial hair.  Now he could be anybody.  It was difficult to find him which meant it would be difficult to capture him.

Hunt, Paul, and David Carr. "History: Che Guevara - Revolutionary Fighter." Socialist Party. 2002. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>.

Llosa, Alvaro. "Killing Machine: Che Guevara." The Independent Institute. The Center on Global Prosperity, 11 July 2005. Web. 20 Mar. 2011. <>.

8. Dramatic Monologue - Joe Marx
       This Monologue was written to show Ernesto’s frustration with the extreme division of the classes in Latin America. The goal of this monologue is to show the passion and sincere drive to help the lower class live life comfortably. He is still Ernesto because this monologue is from the perspective of the still adventurous, youthful man that has not yet been distorted by the process of reaching the dream of a socialist society. This monologue, should contrast the video of Che’s speech about imperialism and capitalism, which was more of a call to action, than an impassioned speech.

Guevara, Ernesto. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey. Melbourne: Ocean, 2003. Print.

9. Video - Joe Marx
       This video shows the radical ideas Che Guevara had, and was made as a humble example of how Che used urgent vocabulary while "flavoring" the text with just enough eloquence that people respected his words, yet could connect to them. This piece shows the change in Che, when compared to the impassioned Ernesto form The Motorcycle Diaries. This should contrast the monologue because this piece not only mentions his socialist ideals, but a radical hatred towards all capitalists and all that capitalism stands for.

Guevara, Ernesto. "At the Afro-Asian Conference in Algeria." Address. Afro-Asian Conference. Algeria. 24 Feb,1964. Marxists Internet Archive. The Che Reader,2005. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>.

Guevara, Ernesto. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey. Melbourne: Ocean, 2003. Print.

10. Interview - Yasmine Khoushab
       I wanted to recreate the path that Ernesto took in order to transform into Che while giving background information about him which we didn’t know before, like his early childhood. I wanted to prove the contrast between the person he was before and the person we know now. The goal for the interview was to get deep down into Che as a person rather than as a dictator. I think we all think of his character in a bad way, but until we get to know the real him, the interview shows the good intentions that he meant to display. It shows that he was a never a political person to begin with, but rather politics was something that grew on him.

"Che Guevara." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>.

Guevara, Ernesto. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey. Melbourne: Ocean, 2003. Print.

11. To Do’s - Yasmine Khoushab
       I wanted this list to show his life goals, because it seemed like at the beginning of his life everything was set and planned until he turned into Che. Therefore, I thought a to do list gave a good representation of him. He seemed like he knew that being a doctor and going to school was part of his life plan, however his to do list changed. I listed all the actions he took throughout his life but left it uncompleted, because his death was unexpected and therefore his list ceased to go any further. I felt like this was a good representation of the things he had done throughout his life. The changes become more drastic as you go down the list.  

"Che Guevara." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>.

Guevara, Ernesto. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey. Melbourne: Ocean, 2003. Print.

12. Timeline - Yasmine Khoushab

       I wanted to show the change between Ernesto and Che. I wrote out the list of events and explained the dates to show how fast paced and successful his life was. The timeline shows how some things he encountered, changed him so much. It was a lot for him to have accomplished which makes him very well known. When he wanted something done, he would do all that he had in his power to make it happen quickly, which I believe this timeline represents for him. We can see the changes in the amount of time he took to change.

"Che Guevara." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>.

Guevara, Ernesto. The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey. Melbourne: Ocean, 2003. Print

Note: Works Cited listed under every reflection in yellow; Indentation formatting was not possible on this website