Children's Story/Fable

Once upon a time in a village in Argentina, there lived a young horse named Ernie. Ernie was born and brought up in this remote village, and had never really ventured off anywhere else. On day, his owner Albert, decided to go on a trip for vacation. Ernie was extremely excited and told all of his horse friends about his upcoming adventure. Ernie and Albert walked aimlessly for several days, and set up camps in random locations near and far. They had little food and water, so they sometimes stopped in scattered villages because of this and also to get some rest. As Ernie and Alberto kept travelling, they both started to notice that villages were starting to become more urban and efficient than the life they had been living. Machines and other industrial products were plentiful in certain areas. The two had never seen such development in their lives before! Cars, trains, and skyscrapers were completely unheard of. After a few weeks, the two went back to their village in Argentina. They started telling people about the amazing things they saw. This sparked interest amongst the villagers. Then, for the next few years the village began rapidly changing for the better. Ernie and Albert wanted the same advancements for their village as they had seen on their trip.